Get out of the Boat, Part 2
July 25, 2010
From the time I was very young, I heard the story of Jonah in the Bible. I remember pictures in children’s books of Jonah in a boat, inside the belly of a whale. He had a candle in his hand and he looked around at this situation with great wonder and uncertainty.
I don’t remember learning as a child how Jonah came to be inside the belly of the fish. What was he doing in the water in first place? It is great that God protected him from the ocean, but how did he get there?
Sunday, July 25, we’ll examine how Jonah came to be there. We’ll also talk about the time that Jonah knew that he had to GET OUT OF THE BOAT. I wonder if we might find ourselves (or have found ourselves previously) needing to get out of the same boat Jonah left.
If you want to read it for yourself, read the story of Jonah in the Old Testament. You’ll find it in the book of…Jonah. It is just four short chapters. Then, I encourage you to compare that to Paul’s statements in Philippians 3:7-11. As always, you can listen to the messages on our website: www.fairhopeumc.org/mediapulpit or on iTunes.