Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Eternal Insights Week 3--The Cause of the Effect

The Lenten Season we’re taking time to reexamine our standing in the Covenant that God has put forth through history. Looking through passages in the Gospel of John, we’re taking a good look at what it means to be a follower of Christ.

In this week’s passage, Jesus and the disciples are walking along and they see a man who has been blind since birth. The disciples ask Jesus, “Who sinned to make this man this way? Did his sin cause this or was this his parents’ sin that caused it?” (That’s my paraphrase). The disciples want to know what or who caused this. They are looking for someone to blame.

A man, blind since birth, sits before the disciples begging for a little money. The disciples want to know if this man, blind since birth, sinned to cause his blindness. That question makes me scratch my head a little. But what Jesus does in response to the Disciples’ question blows me away.

How would we answer the question? What would we do if we saw the blind man sitting there? What was Jesus answer to the question? Take a look at John 9:1-7. This Sunday let’s look at the passage together and see who really was the blind man. What caused him to be this way? What was the effect of his blindness? May God open our eyes to new Eternal Insights.

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Eternal Insights Week 3--The Cause of the Effect

The Lenten Season we’re taking time to reexamine our standing in the Covenant that God has put forth through history. Looking through passages in the Gospel of John, we’re taking a good look at what it means to be a follower of Christ.

In this week’s passage, Jesus and the disciples are walking along and they see a man who has been blind since birth. The disciples ask Jesus, “Who sinned to make this man this way? Did his sin cause this or was this his parents’ sin that caused it?” (That’s my paraphrase). The disciples want to know what or who caused this. They are looking for someone to blame.

A man, blind since birth, sits before the disciples begging for a little money. The disciples want to know if this man, blind since birth, sinned to cause his blindness. That question makes me scratch my head a little. But what Jesus does in response to the Disciples’ question blows me away.

How would we answer the question? What would we do if we saw the blind man sitting there? What was Jesus answer to the question? Take a look at John 9:1-7. This Sunday let’s look at the passage together and see who really was the blind man. What caused him to be this way? What was the effect of his blindness? May God open our eyes to new Eternal Insights.

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