Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ecuador Medical Mission 2012--April 15

Ecuador medical mission 2012



April 15


The team's first day on in Ecuador has been a cultural experience. The day began with a tour of the Mitad del Mundo monument and indigenous museum. We got to see examples of some of the native tribes of Ecuador, see some fascinating science demonstrations on the Equator, and grow together while doing it.


After the tour and lunch, we worshipped at Mama Yoli's in the Atacucho barrio of Quito. This is the site of our 2008 medical clinic. We worshipped at the Methodist Church Aqua de Vida. It was a lively service. We were blessed with dancing and singing by the children and folk dancing. They wanted us to see more of Ecuadorean culture and the ministry to the children and families in their community. It was a blessing. The work of Lord there is growing and it is exciting to see.


During the service, a member of the church brought flowers to the members of the team. The bouquet was like one that we'd find in the grocery store in the States. She pulled flowers out of the bouquet and passed them out to the team members. By the time she got to me, she had only baby's breath left. She passed that out to me like any other flower. Some people may look at baby's breath as a cheap filler. At that moment, however, it was much more. It was an offering of thanks. The church doesn't have extra money to buy us flowers. And they used every bit of the gift the best they could. I felt grateful for the offering. When she handed it to me I thought of the widow's mite from Luke 21. They smallest of offerings was given, and received, with gratitude. I wonder if I do that often enough? How often do I give of the smallest parts of me? How often do I receive the smallest parts with gratitude? It is this attitude of the heart that makes the offering not the smallest, but among the greatest.


Tomorrow we begin work in the clinic. May this attitude infect us all.




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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ecuador Medical Mission 2012--April 15

Ecuador medical mission 2012



April 15


The team's first day on in Ecuador has been a cultural experience. The day began with a tour of the Mitad del Mundo monument and indigenous museum. We got to see examples of some of the native tribes of Ecuador, see some fascinating science demonstrations on the Equator, and grow together while doing it.


After the tour and lunch, we worshipped at Mama Yoli's in the Atacucho barrio of Quito. This is the site of our 2008 medical clinic. We worshipped at the Methodist Church Aqua de Vida. It was a lively service. We were blessed with dancing and singing by the children and folk dancing. They wanted us to see more of Ecuadorean culture and the ministry to the children and families in their community. It was a blessing. The work of Lord there is growing and it is exciting to see.


During the service, a member of the church brought flowers to the members of the team. The bouquet was like one that we'd find in the grocery store in the States. She pulled flowers out of the bouquet and passed them out to the team members. By the time she got to me, she had only baby's breath left. She passed that out to me like any other flower. Some people may look at baby's breath as a cheap filler. At that moment, however, it was much more. It was an offering of thanks. The church doesn't have extra money to buy us flowers. And they used every bit of the gift the best they could. I felt grateful for the offering. When she handed it to me I thought of the widow's mite from Luke 21. They smallest of offerings was given, and received, with gratitude. I wonder if I do that often enough? How often do I give of the smallest parts of me? How often do I receive the smallest parts with gratitude? It is this attitude of the heart that makes the offering not the smallest, but among the greatest.


Tomorrow we begin work in the clinic. May this attitude infect us all.




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