Sunday, January 20, 2013

UM101 Week 3--Methodist Four-Fold Message and Sacraments

In the month of January 2013, I'm leading a class on United Methodism 101.  Thank you to the Fairhope UMC Foundations Sunday School Class for hosting me.   

The majority of this week's discussion focused on the four-fold message of Methodist Theology and the Sacraments.  That four-fold message is:

  1. Everyone needs to be saved (original sin)
  2. Everyone can be saved (universal grace)
  3. Everyone can know they are saved (assurance)
  4. Everyone can be saved to the uttermost (Christian perfection)

We also discussed baptism and Holy Communion.  We gave special attention to the theological premise for baptism and that it is available to all: regardless of age or any other reason.  I have written more about this issue.  You can read my "A Methodist Looks at Baptism" post on this blog. It is just before this one.

You can find the full Prezi presentation from this week's lesson here.

Again, I look forward to your questions and comments.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

UM101 Week 3--Methodist Four-Fold Message and Sacraments

In the month of January 2013, I'm leading a class on United Methodism 101.  Thank you to the Fairhope UMC Foundations Sunday School Class for hosting me.   

The majority of this week's discussion focused on the four-fold message of Methodist Theology and the Sacraments.  That four-fold message is:

  1. Everyone needs to be saved (original sin)
  2. Everyone can be saved (universal grace)
  3. Everyone can know they are saved (assurance)
  4. Everyone can be saved to the uttermost (Christian perfection)

We also discussed baptism and Holy Communion.  We gave special attention to the theological premise for baptism and that it is available to all: regardless of age or any other reason.  I have written more about this issue.  You can read my "A Methodist Looks at Baptism" post on this blog. It is just before this one.

You can find the full Prezi presentation from this week's lesson here.

Again, I look forward to your questions and comments.

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