Friday, February 19, 2010

God's Gift of Love

Promises. How do you react when someone makes a promise to you? With anticipation? With suspicion? What about when someone breaks a promise? Have you ever had someone break a promise to you and hurt you?

God made a promise to His people in the Old Testament. They made a promise back to Him. They said that they would follow Him always and never stray.

Well, the people broke their promises. For thousands of years, the people turned away. Oh, sometimes they followed God. But they would often turn their backs on Him again and again. How did God react to the failure to keep a promise? Would you join me this week in a look at how God reacts to promises?

1 comment:

Ken Summerlin said...

The story of Hosea and Gomer is a perfect picture of God's faithfulness in the face of our unfaithfulness (broken promises). Of course, I wished He'd chosen people with cooler names than Hosea and Gomer to illustrate this for us. Especially Gomer!

Friday, February 19, 2010

God's Gift of Love

Promises. How do you react when someone makes a promise to you? With anticipation? With suspicion? What about when someone breaks a promise? Have you ever had someone break a promise to you and hurt you?

God made a promise to His people in the Old Testament. They made a promise back to Him. They said that they would follow Him always and never stray.

Well, the people broke their promises. For thousands of years, the people turned away. Oh, sometimes they followed God. But they would often turn their backs on Him again and again. How did God react to the failure to keep a promise? Would you join me this week in a look at how God reacts to promises?

1 comment:

Ken Summerlin said...

The story of Hosea and Gomer is a perfect picture of God's faithfulness in the face of our unfaithfulness (broken promises). Of course, I wished He'd chosen people with cooler names than Hosea and Gomer to illustrate this for us. Especially Gomer!